Engineering & Design

Rotary distinguishes itself as a company by condinual emphasis on design capability. Such emphasis has resulted in the company acquiring international standards of design expertise. With its team of more than 80 design engineers, Rotary's engineering design department is one of the best in the region. To date, Rotary has successfully completed turnkey and single discipline projects involving tangkage, instrumentation, electrical, equipment installation and piping, as well as civil and structure engineering in petrochemical, oil and gas storage terminals.

Equipment Installation

Rotary also installs mechanical equipment, such as air compressors, receiver drums, power generators, pumps, drivers, firefighting equipment, marine loading arms and extruders.


Piping works are also part of the company's business. The Rotary Group has completed numerous piping projects for the petrochemical, oil and gas industries, both for onsite and offsite facilities.

Civil & Structural

Rotary's vast experience means that the company is capable of undertaking building and structural projects for process plants, administration buildings, substations, warehouses and workshops, complete with architectural finishing. Rotary can also handle civil engineering jobs, such as eartworks, soil improvement, drainage systems, sewage networks, water treatment. roads and various type of storage tank foundations.


Rotary designs and constructs floating, cone dome roof tanks, pressure vessels, silos, spherical tanks of carbon and stainless steel material.
Tank construction is carried out in two phases, namely shop fabrication and field erection. During the shop fabrication process, the steel plate were cut and rolled to the required curvature and size. Appurtenances such as tank nozzle, link bridges, spiral stairways, hand railings, pontoon compartments, roof structures and wind grinders are also fabricated at this stage. Plates that require stress relief are treated in the in-house furnace.
Field erection comprises mainly of fitting and welding works. Rotary craftmen fit and weld the bottom platform and shell plate, erect the roof and suppporting structures, The company's QC constantly monitor quality by conducting routine inspection and radiographic tests in accordance to code requirements to ensure quality.

Electrical & Instrumentation

Rotary has been a pioneer in electrical engineering in the petrochemical industry for over two decades. The company's engineers have accumulated experience from more than 100 projects, ranging from design and cabling of substations and motor control centres to the installation and calibration of control systems in Singapore and other countries in the Asian region. The company's consistent high-calibre performance in this area has helped to establis its sterling reputation. Rotary now enjoys on-time completion and quality delivery and works closely with utility companies to coordinate power supply and cabling, so that the required electricity is safely brought to the new facility.

Future Vision

With its decicated and skillful team of workers, Thai Rotary expects to become one of the country's future leading engineering, manufacturing and construction companies, and ultimately a one-stop company, providing a whole range of services to local and global customers.